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double fine productions造句

  • He also took a job as community manager for Double Fine Productions.
  • In 2013, he announced that he would move on from Double Fine Productions.
  • "Br黷al Legend " is Double Fine Productions'second major title.
  • The game was published by Double Fine Productions, and is playable on their website.
  • It is published by Double Fine Productions.
  • Double Fine Productions has remastered Grim Fandango in 2015 and Day of the Tentacle in 2016.
  • He founded Double Fine Productions in July 2000, after having spent over a decade at LucasArts.
  • "' Double Fine Comics "'is a webcomics collective supported by Double Fine Productions.
  • It was later co-published by OReilly himself and Double Fine Productions'publishing label Double Fine Presents.
  • The game was published by Double Fine Productions, of which Schafer is president, and is playable on their website.
  • It's difficult to see double fine productions in a sentence. 用double fine productions造句挺难的
  • A remastered version of the game is currently under development at Schafer's Double Fine Productions and is due for release in 2017.
  • Double Fine Productions owner Tim Schafer and Cookie Monster during a promotional video for " Sesame Street : Once Upon a Monster"
  • Tim Schafer of Double Fine Productions called " Mixnmojo " their " friendly friends " and praised the staff for their knowledge.
  • ""'Psychonauts 2 " "'is an upcoming platform video game being developed by Double Fine Productions.
  • The crowdfunding platform was founded by Justin Bailey ( formerly, COO of Double Fine Productions ), Bob Ippolito, and Freeman White.
  • Schafer was able to acquire the rights to the game with financial assistance from Sony, and started the process of building out the remaster within Double Fine Productions.
  • In September 2010, it was revealed that Gilbert had been hired by fellow former LucasArts game designer Tim Schafer, to work at Schafer's own Double Fine Productions.
  • Tim Schafer, the creator of " Full Throttle " and " Grim Fandango ", left LucasArts at the beginning of 2000 to found Double Fine Productions.
  • In August 2014, Prum recovered the aging audio archives of the classic point-and-click adventure game Grim Fandango as part of Double Fine Productions'restoration and remastering effort.
  • In May 2012, the game was revealed as " The Cave ", it will be developed by Double Fine Productions and published as a downloadable title by Sega in 2013.
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